The work to modernise the hospital has begun and will be carried out in four phases which will finish in November 2019.This will permit, stage by stage, the use of new rooms, giving patients more comfort and medical staff a more effective working environment.
At the end of 2017 the very first re-modelled unit will be finished.Patients hospitalised there will be able to have the benefits of single, larger rooms, decorated in a modern style and with en suite facilities.The outer walls of the building will have been renewed and properly insulated, giving rooms better sound and thermal qualities.New solar panels will be in operation.
Thanks to the money collected last year by the Fund Raising Organization, every room will be equipped with a tablet-type computer ; there will also be a extra bed in every single room to allow a family member to be with the patient and a family meeting room will be provided on the second floor.We need to keep up our efforts to see that the rest of the new rooms benefit from similar improvements.
At the end of the year , on the “Open Hospital” day, you will be able to see what the extra funds have been able to do; this is a local effort, of value to us all.